This week on Wednesday night it's the full moon - which I had to mention because it seems to sit so perfectly with the crazy revels planned for this week ...
This Monday, tonight! - the phenomenon that is Balkanology takes place in the city. The venue is called the Vaudeville Supper Club, ideal for an event described as "a deliciously devilish circus carnival." Balkanology parties were dreamed up with the aim of "presenting the madness of Balkan and Gypsy music to Africa," and their ads are full of irresistable madness.
This one has the theme of Metamorphosis and they promise performances with all sorts of transformations, transsubstantiations, mutations, alchemy, etc. Also lots of games involving animals, including a raffle of " a real trained miniature Indian elephant" and a competition with a goat in an enclosure where "the object will be to guess where the goat is going to do its business." DJ’s play Balkan beats into the small hours. If you're going, dress up gypsy-style and try and arrive at 20h00 when the event begins so you don't miss out on "the whole story."
This Monday, tonight! - the phenomenon that is Balkanology takes place in the city. The venue is called the Vaudeville Supper Club, ideal for an event described as "a deliciously devilish circus carnival." Balkanology parties were dreamed up with the aim of "presenting the madness of Balkan and Gypsy music to Africa," and their ads are full of irresistable madness.
This one has the theme of Metamorphosis and they promise performances with all sorts of transformations, transsubstantiations, mutations, alchemy, etc. Also lots of games involving animals, including a raffle of " a real trained miniature Indian elephant" and a competition with a goat in an enclosure where "the object will be to guess where the goat is going to do its business." DJ’s play Balkan beats into the small hours. If you're going, dress up gypsy-style and try and arrive at 20h00 when the event begins so you don't miss out on "the whole story."
Vaudeville Supper Club 11 Mechau Street CBD Cape Town
Tonight Monday 26 20h00
Tickets R150 at the door R120 presale www.webtickets.co.za 0861787737
Information from Maor 0722115563 or Alain 0798916083
My must-see event of the week is Introdans at the Baxter Theatre from Wednesday till Saturday. The Dutch company, one of the top modern ballet companies in the world, presents a programme called Spirit, "in which four great choreographers "give shape to energy and spirit." They are Jose Limon from America, Toru Shimazaki from Japan, Nacho Duato from Spain, and our own Vincent Mantsoe. Reviews highlight Shimakazi's piece Bardo, a ballet about life after death, set to rhythms by Dead Can Dance.
Baxter Theatre
Wednesday 28 April to Saturday 1 May 20h00
Prices: R120, R75
Enquiries: Allison Foat 021 462 7384 diva.events@iafrica.com
I saw London Road at the very end of its run at the Kalk Bay Theatre, and wished that it wasn't too late to recommend that people go and see it. Now I've discovered it's transferred to the Fugard, so I have the chance to say, don't miss this lovely piece of theatre. Written by Nicholas Spagnoletti and directed by Lara Bye, it's the story of a friendship between two women who live in the same block of flats in Sea Point - one a Jewish grandmother whose children have long since emigrated, and the other a young illegal immigrant from Nigeria. It's genuinely touching, as well as funny, and brave in venturing into some very dark and painful territory. There's beautiful acting, especially from Robyn Scott as the bobba. This Tuesday tickets are only R60 (usually R100)
The Fugard Theatre
Tuesdays to Saturdays 19h30 20 April - 8 May
Call 021 461 4554 or visit www.thefugard.com to book
Pedro Espi-Sanchis's Vuvuzela Orchestra has a platform at the Waterfront on Freedom Day. I'm married to Pedro, so you'll be forgiven for thinking this is a very partisan recommendation. But in fact I was the most reluctant convert to his idea of tuning vuvuzelas and making music with them instead of noise - and for me to fall in love with it, as I did in the end - it had to be good. The full band is seven vuvuzelas, a trumpet, a singer, a drummer and a bass player. Their aim is to bring singing of the great soccer songs back into the stadiums - listen to one of those by following the link in the post-script below.
V and A Waterfront Agfa Theatre
Tuesday 27 17h00 to 18h00
The name alone is enough for me to want to see this show at the Alliance Francaise on Thursday, it has all the romance of the Sophiatown era. And for a reason - Nomfusi and the Lucky Charms' music is described as "a refreshing blend of Sophiatown (African jazz from the 60’s) and classic Motown." They are gathering acclaim and this year they will be performing at the Montreal Jazz Festival as part of an extensive international tour. Reading up about Nomfusi reveals an incredible life story of "the will to survive amidst unfathomable adversity;" read the full biographical notes on the Alliance website.
Thursday 28 20h30
Alliance Francaise 155 Loop Street 021 423 56 99
I always recommend the Open Dialogues organized by the Wolpe Trust - there have been one or two dull spots, but mostly these Dialogues have been riveting. They have created a sizeable public audience for serious and stimulating discussion about the important questions facing us as a society. Tonight the subject is Universities in Crisis: The Challenge of Transformation and the speaker is Michael Burawoy, Professor of Sociology at the University of California at Berkeley. He gave the Harold Wolpe Memorial Lecture in 2004, and there must be good reasons for them to invite him again!
Monday 26 17h30 for 18h00
Kramer Building Lecture Theatre 3 Middle Campus UCT
RSVP: wolpeforums@mweb.co.za / 021-6740361
Tonight Monday 26 20h00
Tickets R150 at the door R120 presale www.webtickets.co.za 0861787737
Information from Maor 0722115563 or Alain 0798916083
My must-see event of the week is Introdans at the Baxter Theatre from Wednesday till Saturday. The Dutch company, one of the top modern ballet companies in the world, presents a programme called Spirit, "in which four great choreographers "give shape to energy and spirit." They are Jose Limon from America, Toru Shimazaki from Japan, Nacho Duato from Spain, and our own Vincent Mantsoe. Reviews highlight Shimakazi's piece Bardo, a ballet about life after death, set to rhythms by Dead Can Dance.
Baxter Theatre
Wednesday 28 April to Saturday 1 May 20h00
Prices: R120, R75
Enquiries: Allison Foat 021 462 7384 diva.events@iafrica.com
I saw London Road at the very end of its run at the Kalk Bay Theatre, and wished that it wasn't too late to recommend that people go and see it. Now I've discovered it's transferred to the Fugard, so I have the chance to say, don't miss this lovely piece of theatre. Written by Nicholas Spagnoletti and directed by Lara Bye, it's the story of a friendship between two women who live in the same block of flats in Sea Point - one a Jewish grandmother whose children have long since emigrated, and the other a young illegal immigrant from Nigeria. It's genuinely touching, as well as funny, and brave in venturing into some very dark and painful territory. There's beautiful acting, especially from Robyn Scott as the bobba. This Tuesday tickets are only R60 (usually R100)
The Fugard Theatre
Tuesdays to Saturdays 19h30 20 April - 8 May
Call 021 461 4554 or visit www.thefugard.com to book
Pedro Espi-Sanchis's Vuvuzela Orchestra has a platform at the Waterfront on Freedom Day. I'm married to Pedro, so you'll be forgiven for thinking this is a very partisan recommendation. But in fact I was the most reluctant convert to his idea of tuning vuvuzelas and making music with them instead of noise - and for me to fall in love with it, as I did in the end - it had to be good. The full band is seven vuvuzelas, a trumpet, a singer, a drummer and a bass player. Their aim is to bring singing of the great soccer songs back into the stadiums - listen to one of those by following the link in the post-script below.
V and A Waterfront Agfa Theatre
Tuesday 27 17h00 to 18h00
The name alone is enough for me to want to see this show at the Alliance Francaise on Thursday, it has all the romance of the Sophiatown era. And for a reason - Nomfusi and the Lucky Charms' music is described as "a refreshing blend of Sophiatown (African jazz from the 60’s) and classic Motown." They are gathering acclaim and this year they will be performing at the Montreal Jazz Festival as part of an extensive international tour. Reading up about Nomfusi reveals an incredible life story of "the will to survive amidst unfathomable adversity;" read the full biographical notes on the Alliance website.
Thursday 28 20h30
Alliance Francaise 155 Loop Street 021 423 56 99
I always recommend the Open Dialogues organized by the Wolpe Trust - there have been one or two dull spots, but mostly these Dialogues have been riveting. They have created a sizeable public audience for serious and stimulating discussion about the important questions facing us as a society. Tonight the subject is Universities in Crisis: The Challenge of Transformation and the speaker is Michael Burawoy, Professor of Sociology at the University of California at Berkeley. He gave the Harold Wolpe Memorial Lecture in 2004, and there must be good reasons for them to invite him again!
Monday 26 17h30 for 18h00
Kramer Building Lecture Theatre 3 Middle Campus UCT
RSVP: wolpeforums@mweb.co.za / 021-6740361
This week there's a talk by Sandy Michell of San Michelles Nursery under the umbrella of Kirstenbosch's "Room to Grow Wednesday Talks." Apart from the fact that it's worth using any excuse to go to Kirstenbosch at this time of year, I also took note of it because plants from San Michelle have always looked specially enticing at the nurseries, so we'd be getting some expert advice for free.
Wednesday 28 10h30 to 11h30
Lecture Hall Gate 2 Kirstenbosch
Enquiries to Cathy Abbott 021 465 6440 cathya@wol.co.za
Entrance free but garden entrance fees apply
A song from the Vuvuzela Orchestra
Go to www.vuvuzelaorchestra.co.za
On the Welcome page click on "Abafana"
This week there's a talk by Sandy Michell of San Michelles Nursery under the umbrella of Kirstenbosch's "Room to Grow Wednesday Talks." Apart from the fact that it's worth using any excuse to go to Kirstenbosch at this time of year, I also took note of it because plants from San Michelle have always looked specially enticing at the nurseries, so we'd be getting some expert advice for free.
Wednesday 28 10h30 to 11h30
Lecture Hall Gate 2 Kirstenbosch
Enquiries to Cathy Abbott 021 465 6440 cathya@wol.co.za
Entrance free but garden entrance fees apply
A song from the Vuvuzela Orchestra
Go to www.vuvuzelaorchestra.co.za
On the Welcome page click on "Abafana"